Millions of Americans participate in recreational activities or sports in which there is a legitimate chance of a serious head or brain injury. People wear helmets to keep safe and free from injury while riding a bicycle or playing a tough physical sport like football. Defective helmets may fail to prevent injuries if they are poorly manufactured or designed.
If you or someone you know has been injured because of a negligent helmet manufacturer, you may be eligible for financial compensation. Contact an experienced Oklahoma product liability lawyer of the Abel Law Firm today at 405-239-7046 and schedule a free consultation to discuss your legal options with one of our attorneys.
Common Helmet Malfunctions
Of the 1.7 million traumatic brain injuries experienced by Americans every year, almost 65,000 come from cycling accidents. 36,000 from playing football, and 24,000 from riding recreational vehicles like dirt bikes and all-terrain vehicles. Fortunately, helmets can decrease brain injuries and even save lives. But they can be dangerous if they are defective in any of the following ways:
- Buckles and straps that are damaged or defective
- Insufficient padding on the inside or not enough hard shell on the outside
- Improper design that allows them to slip off the head
Find one that is approved for your recreational activity when finding a helmet. It must fit snugly and not have any broken straps or loose parts.
Contact Us
When a helmet is defective, you cannot trust it to protect your head and brain from injury. To speak with an experienced lawyer about your legal options after a defective helmet injury, contact the Oklahoma product liability attorneys of the Abel Law Firm today at 405-239-7046.